Saturday, June 14, 2008

Tweet, Tweet, Tweet

In my branch we are discovering that it is possible to waste a lot of time on Twitter and that it is very easy to convert other staff into Twitterers. So far not our Branch Manager. Is that good or bad? Do we want him to see our tweets? I think he would get a kick out of it. He just returned from the Alaskan wilderness where he saw bald eagles and some bear poop. Maybe he is rested and ready to tweet?

What if we could Twitter all those disorganized parents the morning of a program: Storytime at 10 AM! Make a rabbit puppet! Babies in Bloom this afternoon! I wonder if we could get more spur of moment attendance that way. The people who mean to attend, but keep forgetting, would have their quick reminders. Many times caregivers walk into the building as the program is ending and say "Oh, I totally forgot!"

1 comment:

A. L. said...

OK, I'm imagining tweets from your branch manager's blackberry (once he succombs to the techno-revolution, of course) about the excitement of bear poop in Alaska. Hee!