Sunday, June 1, 2008


I went to work yesterday morning with the intention of saving the video clips to my flash drive and bringing them home to play with today. Then I was dismayed to discover that my library issued flash drive is 8 MB and the smallest clip is 40 MB. hmmmmm. And we didn't have any blank CDs in the branch either. I thought about making a short shopping trip on my lunch hour, but it was about to rain cats and dogs out there so I stayed put.

When I got home, (minus the video clips) it occurred to me that I own a fancy pants digital SLR that I've only used 1% of the features of. Surely it must have video too, like Book Pusher's camera. But it does not do video. . . .so I dug out my old Nikon Coolpix and it was a miracle: video! But the battery needs to be charged since I haven't used it in about a year.

So today I'm going to make a video of my cats and upload it to youtube and then link it to this blog. This blog is supposed to be anonymous, and what could be more anonymous than adding another cat video to the billions already out there? Except that this video is of my precious sweeties. So now I'm waiting for the battery to charge. Then my cats have to do something faintly interesting. My husband says youtube is full of videos of sleeping cats. My cats can to that--piece of cake!

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