Monday, June 2, 2008

Sneaks Live!

Today at work I turned the Sneaks video clips into a movie using Windows Movie Maker. It was really easy and only took about 40 minutes. Then I posted it to our Area Programming Blog. That blog is restricted to library staff, so I figured it would be okay. Now I need to get a CD so I can burn a copy to give to the school. I will surprise Book Pusher with the video tomorrow. Movie Maker has a special effects feature that allowed me to rotate the movie back to vertical. Viewers will no longer get a crick in the neck!

1 comment:

SilverLining said...

Love the video...I watched it Thursdy night, but will do it again at home for the sound. You were a fabulous dancing cat.
After the RSS feed upload, I decided to try a video. It was the eastiest task so far. Twitter looks like fun too....