Thursday, June 12, 2008

Library Bloggers

I spent the afternoon reading the blogs of other librarians engaged in Web 2.o exploration. I saw some great blog pages and found some interesting ideas. I hope the library will use some of our discoveries-- Twitter, RSS feeds, LibraryThing--to better our service to the patrons. Librarians are already using some web 2.0 featues on their own, such as sharing LibraryThing accounts with patrons (I know Book Pusher does this). But none of it has been used system wide. Hmmm. . . . Maybe we should keep all this quiet or there will be some new entries to the Policies and Procedures Manual and more rules to follow! Shhhh. . . .

And I think I'm going to have to get me a great avatar like Happier Blue has (but with a cat, of course).

1 comment:

Happier Blue said...

Cool, I'm glad you like my Avatar! Yes, there are cats available...many many many cats. I'm a cat person too, but since my Avatar scene is outdoors, my cat must be off-screen somewhere stalking birds and bugs.