Saturday, June 14, 2008

RSS Feeds

This afternoon I logged on to Google Reader and subscribed to some RSS feeds: the Web 2.0 Exploration blog, Unshelved, BBC, and my husband's blog. At first I got confused by all the XML coding and couldn't figure out what to copy, then I realized you just copy what is in the address box. Pretty simple actually.

I wasn't really sure what to subscribe to, since in my personal life I mainly use the internet for shopping. I've got my credit card memorized along with that little 3 digit security code! My husband keeps up with technology as part of his work and he uses RSS to let him know when things have changed on the sites he follows. He links to all his podcasts from there which is very convenient. Then I overhear what Callie and Leo think about new technology, or listen to the crazy wine man, Gary Vaynerchuk, who coined the phrase "sniffy sniff." I thought "sniffy sniff" was something my cats do, but apparently wine lovers do it too!

Personally, I feel like I'm in a constant state of data overload, so I don't know if I'll actually use the RSS feed much. I will have to link to my fellow bloggers, however. I don't think it will substitute for going to someone's actual page, since the RSS misses all the cool sidebar stuff.

The library really ought to have a RSS feed going for its events, and it might be good way to pass along memos and information. Maybe it would be easier than faxing or emailing staff. Definitely something to experiment with.

1 comment:

Natalie MacLean said...

Great blog! I see you like tea and chocolate and you mentioned Gary V... not sure if you like wine too, but you're welcome to join my newsletter if so.


Editor of Nat Decants Free Wine Newsletter

Author of Red, White and Drunk All Over