Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Is Anyone Out There?

We librarians have been blogging away about our Web 2.0 experiences.  But we may ask ourselves, what is the point besides CEUs?  Is anyone actually reading our blogs?  And if so, who are they and where do they come from?

Find the answers to these questions by installing a site meter on your blog from  This little button monitors the traffic on your blog.  Give it a try and spy on your readers.  I was surprised to learn that I have visitors almost every day!


Kathy M. CRO said...

That's because you are so entertaining!

CarolJen said...

I'm reading your blog :-) Thanks for the tip. Spying is always intriguing to me.

tk42 said...

Oooh, nifty. I tend to blog more on my personal blog and choose to believe that people are paying attention. I might be quite disappointed with actual numbers.

Library Girl said...

Great post. I will have to check out that site.

onegemini77 said...

We are definately out there. I am not sure I would be impressed by how many visit my blogs. Of course I just started this and so am a little pessimistic. I am using this blog opportunity actually more to stop flooding Youtube comment sections when getting into a discussion with other watchers. However, I think I may post personal thoughts as well by creating a seperate blog for it(once the site allows me to).

I read your blog abvout facebook. I know how you might feel about your brother not accepting. I got happy birthdays, that I did not respond to till two months later. Sometimes facebook just gets placed in the back burner. I used to make fun of my friends for being myspace junkies *grins*.

Anyway, you may be interested to know. How I found your blog was not through facebook or searching through blogs. I was editing my profile and under favorite books, I placed "Malazans Book of the Fallen series by Steven Erikson". Then when viewing my own profile I noticed it was turned into a link. Clicking on it, I discovered 3 others who also had that same line posted as favorite books. Amazing sometimes the number of ways one can connect with another.

Anyway, I just thought I would say we are out here and we are here to stay...or at least loiter for a bit...

Anonymous said...

You have my cognomen. It's nice to know the other hravan is a librarian.