Saturday, May 24, 2008


This is my first post for my web 2.0 training. I'm doing this at home, where I can have some quiet time. Got all settled in with a mug of Masala Chocolate Chai and a Poptart (chocolate of course) when my home office cat, Henrietta, started whining and crying. So much for quiet. Tossing a catnip mouse down the hall did not deter her so I chased her under the bed several times and now she is tired and ready for a nap.

I've named this blog after my latest food obsession, chocolate tea. I'm trying to eat less sweets so the tea is a substitute. I believe that Poptarts don't count as sweets because they have added vitamins and minerals and they are a breakfast food, not a dessert. I've had a lot of people disagree with me on that point, but I'm holding to it.

Anyway, that's how I thought up the name for this blog. My husband, who has been blogging for a long time, says lots of confused chocolate tea drinkers will look at my blog and be disappointed. So I apologize in advance to anyone who shows up here by accident. I'm not really going to blog about tea.

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